Our Leadership

Jana Turvey
President & CEO, Leisnoi, Inc.
Jana has served as President & CEO of Leisnoi, Inc., an Alaska Native Village Corporation, since 2015. Prior to becoming CEO, she was the Chairwoman of the Board from 2011-2015. Prior to joining Leisnoi, Jana was V.P. of Legal Affairs & General Counsel for Ahtna, Inc. from 2011-2015 and Sr. V.P. of Corporate Affairs for Afognak Native Corporation from 2005-2011. Preceding 2005, Jana was with the Kodiak Area Native Association, a tribal non-profit organization, providing health & social services to the native community.
Jana currently serves on the National Center for American Indian Enterprise Development (NCAIED) and the Alaska Native Village Corporation Association (ANVCA) Boards of Directors; she was appointed to the Alaska Aerospace Corporation Board of Directors by Governor Mike Dunleavy in 2020. Jana previously served on the Tangirnaq Native Village Council, the Koniag Board of Directors, and as Alaska Native Law section co-chair of the Alaska Bar Association.
Jana was born and raised in Kodiak, Alaska. She earned her bachelor’s degree from the University of Notre Dame and her juris doctorate from the University of Colorado at Boulder. Jana is Alutiiq, a shareholder of Koniag, Inc. and Leisnoi, Inc., and a tribal citizen of the Tangirnaq Native Village.